3 research outputs found

    Mikrobaendofitik Dari Taman Nasionalbatang Gadis Sumatera Utara: Potensinya Dalam Menghasilkan Senyawa Antimikrobaterhadapmikrobapatogen [Endophytic Microbes From Batang Gadis National Park, North Sumatra: Their Potential for Producing Antimicrobes Bioactive Compound Againts Pathogenic Microbes]

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    Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) is one of the tropical forests in North Sumatra with megabiodiversity of flora and fauna including microorganism. Endophytic microbes conservation from varieties of forest plants in Batang Gadis National Park has been completed. Nineteen endophytes isolates from TNBG have been screened for their potential on producing bioactive compound against the pathogenic bacteria. Qualitative screening has been done using the growth agar media and identified the clear zone appeared surrounding the bacteria colony. The result indicated that isolate MSCI 87.4 showed high strengthening secresion (4.35) againts Xanthomonas campestris, whereas isolate MSCI 37.1 showed high secretion against Bacillus subtilis (2.69) and Escherichia coli (2.60). Isolate MSCI 37.4 showed potential on producing bioactive compound againts Staphylococcus aureus (4.41). Isolates MSCI 87.4, MSCI37.1, MSCI 37.4 and MSCI 58.1 even could produce bioactive compound against four pathogenic bacteria that are Xanthomonas campestris, Bacilus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, whereas isolate MSCI 15.5b potential on producing bioactive compound against two isolates namely Xanthomonas campestris and Bacillus subtilis. The endophytes bacteria mainly belong to the Gram negative group and four out of nineteen isolates tested belong to the Gram positive group. The cell mainly coccus and only one is bacilli without fiagella. The five most potential isolates has been maintained under freeze dried condition for futher conservation and study. Thin Layer Analysis using semipolar organic separation solution showed that most isolates identified were able to produce bioactive compound except two isolates i.e. MSCI 48.4a and MSCI 53.1; however further analysis is needed to confirm the product


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    Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) is one of the tropical forests in North Sumatra with megabiodiversity of flora and fauna including microorganism. Endophytic microbes conservation from varieties of forest plants in Batang Gadis National Park has been completed. Nineteen endophytes isolates from TNBG have been screened for their potential on producing bioactive compound against the pathogenic bacteria. Qualitative screening has been done using the growth agar media and identified the clear zone appeared surrounding the bacteria colony. The result indicated that isolate MSCI 87.4 showed high strengthening secresion (4.35) againts Xanthomonas campestris, whereas isolate MSCI 37.1 showed high secretion against Bacillus subtilis (2.69) and Escherichia coli (2.60). Isolate MSCI 37.4 showed potential on producing bioactive compound againts Staphylococcus aureus (4.41). Isolates MSCI 87.4, MSCI37.1, MSCI 37.4 and MSCI 58.1 even could produce bioactive compound against four pathogenic bacteria that are Xanthomonas campestris, Bacilus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, whereas isolate MSCI 15.5b potential on producing bioactive compound against two isolates namely Xanthomonas campestris and Bacillus subtilis. The endophytes bacteria mainly belong to the Gram negative group and four out of nineteen isolates tested belong to the Gram positive group. The cell mainly coccus and only one is bacilli without fiagella. The five most potential isolates has been maintained under freeze dried condition for futher conservation and study. Thin Layer Analysis using semipolar organic separation solution showed that most isolates identified were able to produce bioactive compound except two isolates i.e. MSCI 48.4a and MSCI 53.1; however further analysis is needed to confirm the product

    Aplikasi Senyawa Aktif Bakteri Endofit Potensial dan Pupuk Terhadap Penyakit Layu Daun, Busuk Buah Pada Tanaman Tomat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi bakteri endofit potensial dan pupuk terhadap penyakit layu daun dan busuk buah oleh bakteri Pseudomonas solanacearum. Dua bakteri endofit terseleksi (HL.39B.86 dan HL. 39B.88) digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk diaplikasikan pada tanaman tomat. Proses fermentasi dilakukan dalam 2 macam medium cair untuk mencari pola pertumbuhan yang maksimal. Percobaan dilakukan dalam  2 unit percobaan. Percobaan I.Menguji 10 isolat bakteri endofit terhadap serangan penyakit layu pada tanaman tomat dan cabe, percobaan II.Mengaplikasi senyawa aktif bakteri potensial terhadap penyakit layu dan busuk buah pada tanaman tomat   Hasil analisis KLT menunjukkan bahwa kedua bakteri tersebut menghasilkan senyawa aktif, dengan melihat  noda (spot) pada kertas KLT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri endofit HL.39B.86 dan HL. 39B.88 mampu menahan dan memproteksi serangan penyakit layu dari bakteri P. Solanacearum pada tanaman tomat. Pemberian pupuk N dan K nyata meningkatkan bobot buah tomat, tetapi tidak nyata meningkatkan bobot biomas, tinggi tanaman, dan lebar kanopi tomat